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Everlasting Bouquets
  • Everlasting Bouquets

    Winter Flowers to bring sunshine to your home, and for you to enjoy until Spring arrives.


    Why dried flowers? 

    1. They're seasonal! They will help you feel the rythm of the year, and enjoy it.

    2. They come in plenty of vibrant and subdued colours so there's something for everyone!

    3. They are a simple and versatile decor piece, that gives you room for creativity. No water or care needed. Display wrapped up, or whatever suits you!

    4. They offer the cheer of keeping flowers in your home.

    5. They're a locally grown product, which means supporting local industry while lowering carbon footprint.

    6. They're natural! No dyes/ bleaches, nor preserving agents needed, or used. 

    7. After the winter is over feel free to use as a fire starter, like a sacrifice to Spring! Or compost, or keep for a while longer...


    Photos of the single bouquets are in the same order as the colour choices are listed.

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