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Summer Bouquet Subscription
  • Summer Bouquet Subscription

    Bouquets that take you through the seasonal flow and meander of summer. Fresh, local, beautiful flowers to collect, weekly, from the farm, or a pick-up point.  Enjoy unique, favourite and fragrant blooms. A perfect gift for yourself, or someone else!


    7 weeks from Mid-July until Frost. If you'll be away you can opt out for 1 or 2 weeks (or give those bouquets to someone sweet). 


    Pick up Points:

    Our Farm,

    Didsbury (Ulla-la Boutique),

    Possibly more to come...


    Estimated Dates:

    Fridays: July 21, 28, August 4, 11, 18, 25, September 1


    Please read our CSA page for details about subscriptions. 


      Beautiful, fresh, Alberta grown flowers subscription!


      This is to be picked up weekly. You will be contacted to determine your pick-up point, and provided a calendar. You will get a reminder message (and often seasonal information about your flowers) before the pick-up. When your bouquet has been delivered, you will also be notified.

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